EDITION 2022.1

Discover here the new features of this Edition 

Indoor location working with Wi-Fi hotspots, new Alarm Receiving Center partner and a new safety device.

beacon + borne wi-fi

Indoor location with your company's Wi-Fi coverage

With the Premium offer, we have been offering since our beginning an indoor location feature working with beacons (bluetooth). With these bluetooth beacons, you can locate inside buildings and find the precise position of an injured worker in case of an alert.
Since this Edition, you can now choose to use your company's Wi-Fi coverage for the indoor location. No additional cost, no installation, just list your Wi-Fi hotspots as ActionPoints on the Beepiz management portal!

New security device: the SOS button

For this edition, we released a brand new product! The SOS button, once associated with the application, protects your lone workers on the field, it can be worn on the wrist, around the neck or simply be slipped into the pocket! With a double pressure, it triggers a SOS alert. With a triple pressure, an attack alert is triggered.
bouton sos sans fond

Procedures automatically confirmed

To deal with an alert, before an assesment of the situation has to be done to make sure that's it's not a mistake.

Concerning this point, you can choose to do it by yourself, internally or let our remote monitoring partner deal with it. If you choose remote monitoring, you must then determine your procedure: who will be called in case of confirmed alarm and in what order. Previously, once this procedure established, a 48-hour delay was necessary to confirm it.

Since this Edition, we got connected to the platform of our remote monitoring partner for the validation of this procedure to be automatic and instantaneous

New remote monitoring partner

In France, we are partners with one of the world leaders in remote assistance, APSAD P5 certified, the highest level of certification. This certification guarantees that the alert will be treated . This label guarantees that an alert is handled in less than 60 seconds! Since this Edition we became partners with another alarm receiving center in Belgium. He has the EN-50518 label, and thus respect the European certification.  


mock-up tutos redimensionné 2



Beepiz video tutorials

As usual, our customers can have access to new dedicated tutorials on their portal!




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